Pokemon GO Guide

Field Research

Field Research are challenges that can be viewed by clicking the binocular icon at the bottom-right corner of the screen and swiping right. These field research challenges will be added each time you spin a PokeStop. Three to four challenges can be held at a time, but only one stamp will be added per day after selecting a completed challenge. If you complete two challenges within the same day, do not claim the reward for the second challenge until the next day!

Collect 7 field research stamps to complete the weekly field research, receive 3000 XP, 5000 stardust, and encounter a special Pokemon. The Pokemon changes throughout the year, but is often a rare or seasonal Pokemon. Make sure you have enough Poke Balls and berries before starting the encounter!

Special field research challenges appear automatically by the game developers, and are related to various special events. Swipe right from the field research challenges to see the special challenges. The special challenges can be completed as soon as possible. Do not wait for the next day to claim a reward! These challenges have no time limit either.

The Today section can be found by clicking the binoculars icon on the bottom-right corner of the screen and is the new default section of these three menus. The Today menu will always include any bonuses that are currently active during the season, such as Incense bonus duration, extra Raid Passes from spinning Gym Photo Discs, seasonal Pokemon in the wild or from eggs, and much more. Below the bonuses are the amount of PokeCoins you have earned since the day began, and will reset at midnight. Beneath the PokeCoins are all your Pokemon that are currently defending Gyms. The Streaks section is below the Pokemon in Gyms, which will show your current catch and PokeStop streak throughout the week. At the very bottom are upcoming events to Pokemon GO.

Timed challenges might also be available on the Today menu. They sometimes have great bonus items, and other times they have lackluster bonus items.