Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Guide



In the multiplayer all weapons, gadgets, explosives, etc fall under one of four categories. They are Assault, Engineer, Medic, and Recon. There are a few extras that fall under “all” category which means you can put them in any of the four kits. I will list just about everything you need to know about each weapon and what category they fall under.

To unlock some of the guns you either have to rank up by gaining XP in multiplayer or by gaining score in certain kit categories. To do this you get kills and do objectives using a certain kit. The score never goes down only up. Some special guns only unlock with a code or being a “battlefield veteran” by playing other battlefield games on your same EA account. Go to to try and unlock them.

I will try to give you all the stats on all guns such as how many bullets per mag/clip are in each weapon, their rate of fire in rounds per minute (RPM), how long it takes to reload in seconds(S RT = Seconds reload time), and the power of each bullet from each weapon. I will calculate the reload time from the moment you reload until the gun comes back up ready to be fired. Almost all weapons get a certain camouflage depending on the map you’re on. I will give the range of each gun in meters. Lets say there’s a gun with 20-30 damage and a range of 50-100M. This means at point blank range to 50 Meters the gun will do 30 damage. Then the power steadily drops off until it reaches 100 meters and the gun’s damage will do 20 points of damage. With shotguns it’s a bit different. Default shotguns use shotguns shells with buck in them. 6 or 12 bullets depending on the shotgun, the damage you do on an enemy depends on how many of the bullets in the shell you get on the enemy. I explain further in the All kit section.

All guns give a certain amount of damage per bullet. The damage drops off at longer distances. Headshots give 2.1x damage with the exception of most of the sniper rifles and some shotguns. I will list their multipliers on each gun. Bullets don’t seem to effect all vehicles. The ones they do don’t effect vehicle health as much as people’s health. Each player has 100 points of health and I will tell you how much power each gun has per bullet by labeling two numbers BP (Bullet Power), minimum to maximum damage. I gave the damage value based on the 25% increase of damage after the patch.

Assault Kit

The Assault Kit is for what it’s name says, assault. It’s a run and gun, push forward type kit. Assault rifles are best suited for medium range. They have a combination of good accuracy and power. Every guns for the assault kit comes with a grenade launcher, shotgun, or smoke grenade launcher attached to it as a secondary gadget. The assault primary gadget is the ammo box. They can use the following specializations:

  1. Lightweight Combat Equipment
  2. Ammo Hip Bandolier
  3. Grenade Vest
  4. Improved Demolitions
  5. Magnum Ammo
  6. -Ceramic Body Armor
  7. Red Dot Sight
  8. 4X Rifle Scope
  9. Marksman Assault Rifle Training
  • AEK-971 VINTOVKA(AEK-971) – Default Unlocked. Fully Automatic. 30 Rounds per Mag, 90 rounds extra. 3.24s RT. 800 RPM. 14.3 BP
  • XM8 PROTOTYPE(XM8 P) – 3000 Assault Score to Unlock. Fully Automatic. 30 Rounds per Mag, 90 rounds extra. 2.73s RT. 750 RPM.14.3 – 16.7 BP. 18-64 M Range.
  • F2000 ASSAULT(F2000) – 8000 Assault Score to unlock. Fully Automatic. 30 Rounds per Mag, 90 rounds extra. 3.12s RT. 850 RPM. 12.5 BP.
  • STG.77 AUG(AUG) – 20000 Assault Score to unlock. Fully Automatic. 30 Rounds per Mag, 90 rounds extra. 3.2s RT. 700 RPM. 12.5 – 16.7 BP. 18-64 M Range.
  • AN-94 ABAKAN(AN-94) – 28000 Assault Score to unlock. Two Round Burst Fire. 30 Rounds per Mag, 90 rounds extra. 3.11s RT. 600 RPM. 14.3 – 16.7 BP. 18-64 M Range.
  • M416 – 35000 Assault Score to Unlock. Fully Automatic. 30 Rounds per Mag, 90 rounds extra. 2.9s RT. 700 RPM. 14.3 – 16.7 BP. 18-64 M Range.
  • M16A2 – 47000 Assault Score to Unlock. Three Round Burst Fire. SPECACT version comes camouflaged which changes on different maps. 30 Rounds per Mag, 90 rounds extra. 3.3s RT. 800 RPM. 14.3 BP.

Engineer Kit

The Engineer Kit is used to repair and take out vehicles. The weapons used in the Engineer Kit are Sub Machine Guns and Compact Assault Rifles, all which are automatic. All weapons in the Engineer Kit automatically have silencers/suppressors attached to them. They are best suited for close range combat. The Engineer primary gadget is the repair tool. Engineers can use Rocket Launchers or anti tank mines as their secondary gadget. They can use the following specializations:

  1. Lightweight Combat Equipment
  2. Ammo Hip Bandolier
  3. Grenade Vest
  4. Explosives Leg Pouch
  5. Improved Demolitions
  6. Magnum Ammo
  7. Ceramic Body Armor
  8. Red Dot Sight
  9. 4X Rifle Scope
  10. Marksman SMG Training
  • 9A-91 AVTOMAT(9A-91) – Default Unlocked. 20 Rounds per Mag, 60 rounds extra. 3.1s RT. 600 RPM. 14.3 – 20 BP. 18-42 M Range.
  • SCAR-L CARBINE(SCAR-L) – 2500 Engineer Score to Unlock. 30 Rounds per Mag, 90 rounds extra. 3.45s RT. 600 RPM. 12.5 – 20 BP. 18-42 M Range.
  • XM8 COMPACT(XM8 C) – 6500 Engineer Score to Unlock. 30 Rounds per Mag, 90 rounds extra. 2.7s RT. 750 RPM. 11.2 – 16.7 BP. 18-42 M Range.
  • AKS-74U KRINKOV(AKS-74U) – 16000 Engineer Score to Unlock. 30 Rounds per mag, 90 rounds extra. 3.11s RT. 700 RPM. 11.2 – 16.7 BP. 18-42 M Range.
  • UZI – 26000 Engineer Score to Unlock. 32 Rounds per Mag, 96 rounds extra. 3.2s RT. 900 RPM. 11.2 – 12.5 BP. 18-42 M Range.
  • PP-2000 AVTOMAT(PP-2000) – 32000 Engineer Score to Unlock. 40 Rounds per Mag, 80 rounds extra. 2.85s RT. 1000 RPM. 10 – 11.2 BP. 18-42 M Range.
  • UMP-45 – 43000 Engineer Score to Unlock. SPECACT version comes camouflaged which changes on different maps. 25 Rounds per Mag, 75 rounds extra. 3.1s RT. 600 RPM. 12.5 – 20 BP. 18-42 M Range.

Medic Kit

The Medic Kit is mostly for support. You heal and revive team mates while giving gunner support with your Light Machine Gun. The light machine gun is a powerful and moderately accurate weapon with lots of ammo, all are fully automatic. The gadgets the Medic Kit uses are the Medic Kit (primary gadget) and Defibrillator(secondary gadget). They can use the following specializations:

  1. Lightweight Combat Equipment
  2. Ammo Hip Bandolier
  3. Grenade Vest
  4. Improved Demolitions
  5. Magnum Ammo
  6. Ceramic Body Armor
  7. Red Dot Sight
  8. 4X Rifle Scope
  9. Medic Kit Improved Heal
  10. Medic Kit Improved Range
  11. Marksman LMG Training
  • PKM LMG – Default Unlocked. Good Accuracy LMG. 100 Rounds per Mag. +2 Extra Box Mags. 8.5s RT. 650 RPM. 14.3 – 16.7 BP. 18-64 M Range.
  • M249 SAW – 3300 Medic Score to Unlock. 200 Rounds per Mag. +1 Extra Box Mag. 8.2s RT. 800 RPM. 11.2 – 14.3 BP. 18-64 M Range.
  • TYPE 88 LMG – 8600 Medic Score to Unlock. 200 Rounds per Mag, +2 Extra Box Mags. 8.66s RT. 650 RPM. 12.5 – 14.3 BP. 18-64 M Range.
  • M60 LMG – 25000 Medic Score to Unlock. 100 Rounds per Mag. +1 Extra Box Mag. 7.8s RT. 550 RPM. 14.3 – 16.7 BP. 18-64 M Range.
  • XM8 LMG – 34000 Medic Score to Unlock. 100 Rounds per Mag. +2 Extra Box Mags. 6.4s RT. 750 RPM. 12.5 – 14.3 BP. 18-64 M Range.
  • MG36 – 42000 Medic Score to Unlock. 100 Rounds per Mag. +2 Extra Box Mags. The MG36 has a red dot type scope by default and when using the red dot and 4x scope specializations. 6.4s RT. 750 RPM. 12.5 – 14.3 BP. 18-64 M Range.
  • MG3 – 52000 Medic Score to Unlock. SPECACT version comes camouflaged which changes on different maps. 100 Rounds per Mag. +2 Extra Box Mags. 8s RT. 1000 RPM. 10 – 11.2 BP. 18-64 M Range.

Recon Kit

The Recon kit is for recon support. You give team mates information of enemies while taking some out yourself long range. The Recon kit uses sniper rifles which are pin point accurate and vary in power. All the recon rifles come with default sniper scopes attached to them which vary from sniper to sniper. If you choose the recon kit you are always put in a ghillie suit. The gadgets the recon kit uses are the Motion Sensor(primary gadget) to find enemies on the radar near by, C4 Explosive (secondary gadget), and Mortar Strike (secondary Gadget).

  1. Lightweight Combat Equipment
  2. Ammo Hip Bandolier
  3. Grenade Vest
  4. Explosives Leg Pouch
  5. Improved Demolitions
  6. Magnum Ammo
  7. Ceramic Body Armor
  8. Red Dot Sight
  9. 4X Rifle Scope
  10. 12X High Power Scope
  11. Sniping Spotting Scope
  • M24 SNIPER(M24) – Default Unlocked. Bolt Action Sniper Rifle with camouflage. 5 Rounds/Mag, 20 Rounds extra. 5.17s RT. 36 RPM. 50 – 100 BP. 10 – 36 M Range. The M24 has a 3.25x multiplier for headshots.
  • TYPE 88 SNIPER(T88 S) – 2200 Recon Score to Unlock. Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle. 10 Rounds per Mag, 30 rounds extra. 4.15s RT. 240 RPM. 28-39 BP. 8 – 64 M Range. The Type 88 S has a 2.1x multiplier for headshots.
  • SV98 SNAIPERSKAYA(SV98) – 6000 Recon Score to Unlock. Bolt Action Sniper Rifle. 10 Rounds per Mag, 20 Rounds extra. 4.8s RT. 37 RPM. 50 – 100 BP. 10 – 36 M Range. 18 – 64 M Range. The SV98 has a 3.25x multiplier for headshots.
  • SVU SNAIPERSKAYA SHORT(SVU) – 15000 Recon Score to Unlock. Semi-Automatic Silenced Sniper Rifle. 10 Rounds per Mag, 40 rounds extra. 3.7s RT. 240 RPM. 28-39 BP. 18-64 M Range. The SVU has a 2.1x multiplier for headshots.
  • GOL SNIPER MAGNUM(GOL) – 21000 Recon Score to Unlock. Bolt Action Sniper Rifle. 5 Rounds per Mag, 20 rounds extra. 4.8s RT. 300 RPM. 50 – 100 BP. 10 – 36 M Range. The GOL has a 3.25x multiplier for headshots.
  • VSS SNAIPERSKAYA SPECIAL(VSS) – 26000 Recon Score to Unlock. Automatic Silenced Sniper Rifle. 20 Rounds per Mag, 40 rounds extra. 4.2s RT. 600 RPM. 20-25 BP. 18-64 M Range. The VSS has a 2.1x multiplier for headshots.
  • M95 SNIPER(M95) – 34000 Recon Score to Unlock. Bolt Action Sniper Rifle with camouflage, the specact version has no camo. 5 Rounds per Mag, 20 rounds extra. 7.37s RT. 26 RPM. 55 – 100 BP. 10 – 36 M Range. The M95 has a 2.3x multiplier for headshots.

All Kits

Weapons that fall under the “all kits” categories mean they can be used in any kit. Because they can be put in any kit it means they can use that kit’s primary gadget. When it comes to the secondary gadget, these weapons can use all the secondary gadgets in that particular kit with the exception of the assault secondary gadgets. Instead it uses C4. The specializations these guns can use vary a bit depending on the gun. Shotguns usually have high power and lower accuracy. They are best suited for CQB for their low range. Shotguns have longer range than most games, but if it’s far enough without 12 gauge slugs then you won’t take any damage away from the enemy. Without slugs you spray your shell within the circular cross hair on the screen, so if you don’t get the full spread on an enemy you will not do full damage. Depending on the shotgun there will be a x6 and x12 multiplier on how many of the bullets of the shell hit the enemy.

They can all use:

  1. Lightweight Combat Equipment
  2. Ammo Hip Bandolier
  3. Grenade Vest
  4. Explosives Leg Pouch (If you are anything but medic)
  5. Improved Demolitions
  6. Magnum Ammo
  7. Ceramic Body Armor
  8. Medic Kit Improved Heal (If you are a Medic)
  9. Medic Kit Improved Range (If you are a Medic)

Shotguns can use those in addition to:

  1. 12 Gauge Slugs
  2. Extended Shotgun Magazine

The M1A1 Thompson can use the basic ones plus:

  1. Marksman SMG Training

The G3 and M14 can now use:

  1. Red Dot Sight
  2. 4X Rifle Scope
  • 870 COMBAT(870MCS) – Default Unlock. Pump Action Shotgun. 4 Rounds for a full shotgun, 12 rounds extra. .685s per shell and 1s for the pump. 6 – 14.3 BP for shells, x12 spread. 85 RPM 8 – 18 M Range, and 2.5x headshot multiplier. 50-100 BP With 12G. Slugs, 10 – 36 M Range, and 3.25x headshot multiplier.
  • SAIGA 20K SEMI(SAIGA) – Rank 2 to Unlock. Semi-Automatic Shotgun. 6 Rounds per Mag, 30 rounds extra. 4.167s RT. 300 RPM. 6 – 14.3 BP for shells, x6 Spread, 8 – 18 M Range, 2.5x headshot multiplier. 28 – 39 BP With 12G. Slugs, 8 – 64 M Range, 2.1x headshot multiplier.
  • SPAS-12 COMBAT(SPAS-12) – Rank 18 to Unlock. Pump Action Shotgun. 4 Rounds for a full shotgun, 12 rounds extra. .685s per shell and 1s for the pump. 85 RPM. 6 – 14.3 BP x12 Spread, 8 – 18 M Range, 2.5x headshot multiplier. 50-100 BP With 12G. Slugs, 10 – 36 M Range, 3.25x headshot multiplier.
  • USAS-12 AUTO – Rank 21 to Unlock. Full-Auto Shotgun. 12 rounds per mag, 24 rounds extra. 4.13s RT. 300 RPM. 6 – 14.3 BP for shells, x6 spread, 8 – 18 M Range, 2.5x headshot multiplier. 28 – 39 BP With 12G. Slugs, 8 – 64 M Range, and 2.1x headshot multiplier.
  • NEO STEAD 2000 COMBAT(NS200) – Rank 20 to Unlock. Pump Action Shotgun. 8 Rounds for a full shotgun, 8 rounds extra. 1.75s per shell and .5s for the pump. 85 RPM. 6 – 14.3 BP for shells, x6 spread, 8 – 18 M Range, 2.5x headshot multiplier. 50-100 BP With 12G. Slugs, 10 – 36 M Range, 3.25 headshot multiplier.
  • M14 MOD 0 ENHANCED(M14) – Rank 19 to Unlock. Semi Auto Battle Rifle. 10 Rounds per Mag, 30 rounds extra. 3.1s RT. 260 RPM. 28 – 39 BP. 8 – 64 M Range.
  • G3 – Rank 22 to unlock. Full Auto Battle Rifle. 20 Rounds per Mag, 60 rounds extra. 3.4s RT. 500 RPM. 20 – 25 BP. 18 – 64 M Range.
  • WWII M1 Garand(M1) – Battlefield Veteran to Unlock. WWII Semi Auto Rifle. 8 Rounds per clip, 40 rounds extra. 4.15s RT. 260 RPM. 28 – 39 BP. 8 – 64 M Range. 8 – 64 M Range.
  • WWII M1A1 THOMPSON(M1A1) – VIP Code or rank 10 to unlock. WWII Automatic SMG. 30 Rounds per Mag, 90 rounds extra. 3.63s RT. 600 RPM. 12.5 – 16.7 BP. 16 – 42 M Range.


Found in All Kits, handguns are secondary weapons that are meant to be used when you run out of ammo for your primary weapon. They have high power but drop off fast at distance, medium accuracy, and low ROF.

  • M9 Pistol(M9) – All Kits. Default Unlocked. Semi Auto handgun. 12 Rounds per Mag, 36 rounds extra. 3.76s RT. 350 RPM. 16.7 – 25 BP. 12 – 42 M Range.
  • WWII M1911 .45(M1911) – All Kits. Limited Edition Code to Unlock or Rank 4. Semi Auto handgun. 7 Rounds per Mag, 21 rounds extra. 3.75s RT. 260 RPM. 25 – 33.4 BP. 12 – 42 M Range.
  • MP-443 GRACH(MP-443) – All Kits. Rank 3 to Unlock. Semi Auto handgun. 17 Rounds per Mag, 34 rounds extra. 3.75s RT. 450 RPM. 14.3 – 20 BP. 12 – 42 M Range.
  • MP-412 REX(MP-412) – All Kits. Rank 12 to Unlock. Semi Auto. 6 Round Revolver, 18 rounds extra. 4.1s RT. 200 RPM. 33.4 – 40 BP. 6 – 42 M Range.
  • M93R BURST(M93R) – All Kits. Rank 13 To Unlock. 3 round burst handgun. 20 Rounds per Mag, 40 rounds extra. 3.75s RT. 900 RPM. 9.1 – 12.5 BP. 6 – 42 M Range.
  • TRACER DART GUN(TRACER) – All Kits. Unlocked with special code. Shoots red tracers on targets to allow heat seeking capabilities on your rocket launchers. 1 Dart loaded gun. With 3 extra darts. 3.5s RT

Primary Gadgets

  • Ammo Box – Assault Kit. 1200 Assault Score to Unlock. A box dropped by assault class/kit people. Players who have even one bullet or grenade less can stand next to an ammo box on the floor and fully replenish their ammo. You can even refill your own ammo with this box. The range of the ammo box reaches 3M.
  • Repair Tool – Engineer Kit. 1000 Engineer Score to Unlock. A tool used to repair friendly vehicles at 93 Vehicle Health each Second, and damage enemy vehicles. Only available to engineer kit. It can also kill a person by having contact with the activated tool
  • Medic Kit – Medic Kit. 1400 Medic Score to unlock. A box dropped by medic class/kit people. Players who suffered damage need only to stand next to one on the floor and be slowly healed. If you are hurt you can heal yourself with the kit. The Range of the Medic Kit is 3.5M and heals 10 Points of Health a Second.
  • Motion Sensor – Recon Kit. 900 Recon Score to Unlock. Little sensors that detect motion and tell you if an enemy is coming on your radar within 20 M. You can throw them just like grenades. Each one lasts 20 seconds. 3 Sensors Given. Only one can be used at a time. If you throw one and then the other within 20 seconds the first one will stop.

Secondary Gadgets

  • 40MM Grenade Launcher(40MMGL) – Assault Kit. Default Unlocked. Fires 1 HE FRAG at a time. You are given 2 to start out with. 2.2s RT. Does 75 Damage to vehicle’s health. Does 100 Damage to infantry health in 1.8 M Range and dissipates over 5 M.
  • 40MM Smoke Launcher(40MMSMK) – Assault Kit. 5500 Assault Score to Unlock. Fires 1 Smoke Grenade at a time. You are given 2 to start out with. 2.2s RT
  • 40MM Shotgun(40MMSGN) – Assault Kit. 11000 Assault Score to Unlock. 1 Shell shotgun attachment. 2 Shells given at a time. 2.2s RT. More ammo for this gadget is given under grenade vest specialization. Shotgun specializations cannot be used. 16.7 BP, x12 spread, and a 2.5x headshot multiplier.
  • RPG-7 AT(RPG-7) – Engineer Kit. Default Unlocked. 4 Rockets per Launcher. 6s RT. Does 360 damage to vehicle health. Does 100 damage to infantry in 1 M and dissipates over 6 M.
  • M2 CARL GUSTAV AT(M2 CG) – Engineer Kit. 8700 Engineer Score to Unlock. 4 Rockets per Launcher. 6s RT. Does 280 damage to vehicle health. Does 100 damage to infantry in 1.8 M and dissipates to 8 M.
  • M136 AT4(m136AT4) – Engineer Kit. 19000 Engineer Score to Unlock. Guidance rocket, not compatible with Tracer Darts. Just move your right stick to guide. 4 Rockets per Launcher. 6s RT. Does 420 damage to vehicle health. Does 100 damage to infantry in .6 M and dissipates in 3 M.
  • Anti Tank Mine(AT MINE) – Engineer Kit. 4400 Engineer Score to Unlock. 3 Given. Throw on ground to blow up any enemy vehicle that runs over them. Does 865 Damage to Vehicle health. Does 290 damage to infantry in 1 M and dissipatesin 8 M. Can be shot or blown up like C4. If you die or switch kits the mines will stay where you dropped them. A max of 6 can be put down.
  • Defibrillator(DEFIB) – Medic Kit. 5800 Medic Score to Unlock. Used to revive dead team mates, you can find them on the radar with a pulse symbol. It takes 3 seconds to recharge and use again. Can also be used to kill someone just like the repair tool. The person who kills get the kill, the person who dies doesn’t get a death, and the team recovers a spawn ticket. Only available in the medic kit.
  • Mortar Strike(MORTAR) – Recon Kit. 4000 Recon Score to Unlock. Gives you binoculars. Look through them and hold the fire trigger on a location for about 4 seconds. Drops 6 Mortars at 200 Damage in 1 Meter and dissipates over 6M. Then you have to wait 30 seconds to use it again for consoles and 60 seconds for PC version.
  • C4 Explosive(C4) – Recon and All Kit. Default Unlocked. Remote Detonated Explosives. Throw anywhere, they stick on walls, then click the trigger to detonate. 3 Explosives Given. Does 865 damage to vehicle’s health. Does 290 damage to infantry health in 1 M and dissipates over 8 M. Can be shot or blow up like the Anti Tank Mines. Once you die they disappear.


  • Combat Knife – One Hit kill melee knife available to everyone. You make a sort of grunt every time you stab, so knives aren’t silent.
  • Hand Grenade – High Explosive Frag Grenade available to everyone. 1 given. Does 33 Damage to vehicle’s overall health. Does 110 damage to infantry in 1 M blast radius and dissipates over 8 M.

Campaign Only Weapons

In the campaign there are a few weapons which cannot be used elsewhere.

  • Type 100 – A Japanese SMG used during WWII. 22 rounds per mag. 4s RT. Found on the mission “Operation Aurora.”
  • M1 Garand – An American Rifle used during WWII. 8 Rounds per Clip. 4.15s RT. Found on the mission “Operation Aurora.” It can be obtained in multiplayer, but you must be a battlefield veteran to get it.
  • TNT – Explosives just like C4. Found on the mission “Operation Aurora.”
  • TOZ-194 – Pump Action Shotgun found on various missions. 8 Rounds for a full shotgun. 2.07s RT per shell and pump.