Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Guide


Puzzle Solutions

Cluster 1

First section shows a few paintings with the riddle, “Masters all, they did not work, but rules from on high.” Select the paintings of the people that look upper class who don’t work. It should be the first, third, fourth, eighth, and tenth pictures.


The second section is a chess board. Move the white pawn on E2 to E4

The third section is the quarantine zone. Drag your cursor around until the beeping noise beeps faster. Find the red dot and click it. It should be in the upper right section.

Cluster 2

These puzzles give you circular spinning puzzles. Press up or down to move to section and left or right to spin the sections. Start on the outside and work your way in. If you want the exact turns then do the following: from the outside to the inside click 4 times to the Left, 3 times to the Left, 2 times to the Right, 4 times to the Left.


The next section is another puzzle. Do the same as the last one. Exact turns are (from the outside to the inside): 2 times to the Left, 1 time to the Right, 5 time to the Left, 5 times to the Left, then go back to the ring that’s upside down (should be the second from the outside) and turn 5 times to the Left.


The third section is another puzzle. Do the same as the last two. Exact turns are (from the outside to the inside): 1 time to the Right, 5 times to the Right, 4 times to the Right, 3 times to the Right.


The fourth section is a chess board. Move the white pawn on F2 to F4.

The last section is the quarantine zone. There are two red dots that beep faster as your cursor gets close to them. Find both of them first. When you both are found, place your cursor over one and click the red dot, move your cursor over to the second red dot and click it. This should end the puzzle.

Cluster 3

The first puzzle reads “Washington sits about the green, in 1944, keeping a cool head. Below the right 1, is the standard bearing 48. Behind, there is a company whose power is growing. Zoom in on the white building with red rooftops. Place the red box on the flag on the left tower and select.


The second puzzle involves a wheel with code and numbers. Use the EXACT code with the numbers. There are some that look like mirror images that can confuse you:


The third puzzle is another chess board. Move the White Pawn from F4 to E5.

The fourth puzzle is another quarantine zone. Find the two red dots again. Click on one, move the cursor to the second, click on the second.

Cluster 4

The first puzzle shows 10 pictures with the riddle: “These intelligent workers have no self-control.” Choose the pictures with robots/machines in them. They will be 2, 3, 5, 9, and 10.


The second puzzle is a spinning circular puzzle. In innermost and outermost circles will spin together when choosing the innermost circle. One of the middle circles and the outermost circle will spin together if you choose the outermost circle. If you choose that same middle circle alone, it will spin alone. I’m not exactly sure how I figured this one out. I just did it and anticipated some of the spinning.


The third puzzle uses the chess board and a weird equation. Move pawn G2 to G3.

The fourth puzzle uses three sound waves. You must choose a few to equal the big sound wave on the right. Choose the second and first.

The fifth puzzle is another quarantine zone. Find the two red dots, click on one, move your cursor to the second, and click on the second to finish the puzzle.


The first puzzle is a chess board. Move the queen from D1 to E2.

The second puzzle shows various pictures with the riddle, “From a bolt of electricity, governments fell.” Highlight the top left picture of some church stained glass window.


The third puzzle is a number/symbol puzzle. This one was really tough, but the hint button helped a bit. You may find an empty box on two of the four numbers. When that happens, you must find the symbol on the opposite of the blank area, then you have to remove or add a line that usually alters the symbol just a bit. There are symbols that have sister symbols which look very similar, but there is usually a line or something small that changes the symbol. Choose the symbols exactly as they’re shown in the picture:


The fourth puzzle is a quarantine zone. Find 3 red dots, place your cursor on one and select it, place your cursor on the second and select it, then place your cursor on the third and select it. If the screen flashes red, you must start over.

Cluster 6

The first puzzle is a picture puzzle with a riddle. “Important men befriend Russia as the iron curtain was blown apart. But the most influential comrade stayed out of the spotlight.” Place the cursor on the camera man in the picture on the left.


The second puzzle is a numbers puzzle. Find the correct coordinates. The passcode is 20, 27, 33, 13

The next puzzle shows 6 small sound waves and one big one. You have to choose the right small sound waves to fit the big one. Choose sound waves 1, 2, and 4.

The third puzzle is a chess board. Move G1 to F3.

The fourth puzzle is another quarantine zone. Find the three red dots. Select each one at a time to lift the quarantine.

Cluster 7

The first puzzle is a picture puzzle with the riddle: “fire, water and earth and contracted, with the complacency of the people, away from the people.” Choose the pictures: 2, 4, 7, 8, and 10.


The second puzzle shows 6 pictures, 1 is big and the other are small. Zoom in on the man in the middle of the big picture. Place the cursor on his ring and select it.


The third puzzle is another number/figure passcode. The passcode is CMZK.


The fourth puzzle is a chess board. The “riddle” explains their knight’s move and give a mirror move. Move your knight from B1 to C3.

The fifth puzzle is another quarantine zone. Find the three red dots. Select each one at a time to lift the quarantine.

Cluster 8

The first puzzle is a spinning circular picture puzzle. A lot of the pieces move other pieces. The easiest way to do it is to spin the innermost ring for times to the right, spin the next ring outwards one time to the right, and lastly spin the outermost ring 3 times to the left.


The second puzzle is a sound wave puzzle. Choose the right small sound waves to match the big one. Select the first, fifth, eight, and ninth sound waves.

The third puzzle is a chess board with pictures. The puzzle says, “Watch! Move fast! Shift from 1st to 2nd. 0-60. Don’t think” Move your king from E1 to F2.

The fourth puzzle is another quarantine zone. There will be 5 red dots this time. Click each one to lift the quarantine. Do it before the circle fills with red and the screen flashes red.

Cluster 9

The first puzzle shows 10 pictures with the riddle, “They listen to us with these vehicles that are faster than race cars.” Choose images 2, 3, 6, 8, and 10.


The second puzzle shows 12 small sound waves and one big one. Choose the small sound waves that will equal the big one. The correct sound waves are 1, 3, 6, and 12.

The third puzzle is a chess board. Move your Bishop from F1 to G2

The fourth puzzle is another quarantine zone. There will be 5 red dots in this one. Click each one to lift the quarantine. Do it before the circle fills with red and the screen flashes red.

Cluster 10

The first puzzle is a circular picture puzzle. Every piece will move another piece. To solve it do the following: spin the outermost circle 5 times to the right, spin the innermost circle 2 times to the right, and spin the next circle outwards from the innermost circle 2 times to the right.


The second puzzle shows 10 pictures and the riddle “A product that we make without hands or machines.” Choose the pictures with kids in them. 3, 4, 6, 8, and 10.


The third puzzle shows 4 pictures. You must zoom in and place your cursor over the right area. Zoom in on the third picture and select the bird in the sky.


The fourth puzzle is a number code, find the passcode. The passcode is 89, 5, 334, and 21.

The fifth puzzle is a sound wave puzzle. Choose the correct sound waves from the smaller 18 to match the one big sound wave. The correct sound waves are number 1, 5, 9, 12, 15, and 18.

The sixth puzzle is a chess board. Move your king anywhere off the board to progress.

The seventh puzzle is the last puzzle, a quarantine zone. There will be a string of red dots starting on the left side and curing around to the right. Find one of the ends and select every red dot until you come to the other end.