Halo 3 Guide


Skulls are not a new addition to the franchise but become more useful in a way. There are a number or skulls hidden throughout the game on each level. Once you find them you get an achievement for the gold skulls and both gold and silver skulls save so you can turn them on and off in the main menu. When activated, skulls make the game just a little more difficult or adds some useless fun. Most of the skulls are located in the campaign right when you get the game. The Mythic skulls are located on maps in the Mythic Map Pack DLC and do nothing but give you achievements and armor. I will list the skulls under their respective type, give the name, the multiplier for campaign scoring, the description, and what level you can find it at.

Gold Skulls

Iron:: If you’re playing two player or more and a team mate dies then you have to reload a checkpoint. If all players die or you are playing single player then you have to start from the beginning of the mission.
3x Multiplier.
Found on: Sierra 117

Black Eye: In order to regenerate your shield you must melee enemies.
1.5x Multiplier.
Found on: Crow’s Nest

Tough Luck: Enemies evade explosive weapons and cars more. They also go crazy and suicide bomb more.
1.5x Multiplier.
Found on: Tsavo Highway.Catch: Friendly and Enemy characters throw more grenades while alive and drop more grenades when they die.
1.5x Multiplier.
Found on: The Storm

Fog: Your radar is is no longer available
1.5x Multiplier.
Found on: Floodgate

Famine: Weapons you find on dead bodies have a lot less ammo or battery power.
2x Multiplier.
Found on: The Ark

Thunderstorm: Enemies are higher ranks than normal. Grunts become Spec Ops Grunts and Brutes become Brute Captains etc. Meaning they’re harder to kill and will kill you faster.
1.5x Multiplier.
Found on: The Covenant

Tilt: Enemies weaknesses and resistances are higher. Some enemies are strong against some weapons and weak against others. These resistances and weaknesses are raised at the same time.
2x Multiplier.
Found on: Cortona

Mythic: All enemy and friendly peoples health is doubled. Almost making the campaign have a mythic difficulty over Legendary.
2x Multiplier.
Found on: Halo

Silver Skulls

Blind: There is no longer any HUD. No Weapon icon, no bullets, no radar, no shield, no cross hairs, and you can’t even see the weapon you’re holding!
No Multiplier.
Found on: Sierra 117

Grunt Birthday Party: If grunts are headshotted with headshot type weapons (sniper rifle, battle rifle, carbine, magnum, beam rifle) then they explode and confetti flies everywhere.
No Multiplier.
Found on: Crow’s Nest

Cowbell: Things fly further when you melee or blow them up. No extra damage though.
No Multiplier.
Found on: The Ark

IWHBYD (I Would Have Been Your Daddy): Rare dialogue shows up more often from Enemy and Friendly People.
No Multiplier.
Found on: Cortana

Mythic Skulls

Orbital Skull
Found on: Orbital Map

Assembly Skull
Found on: Assembly Map

Sandbox Skull
Found on: Sandbox Map

Heretic Skull
Found on: Heretic map

Longshore Skull
Found on: Longshore Map

Citadel Skull
Found on: Citadel Map