I have a massive gallery of Sword Art Online Gifs. It’s so massive that I was only able to capture the first half of the series. MAJOR SPOILERS!
Sword Art Online may be one of the most popular anime I’ve come across in recent years. It all takes place in a virtual reality MMORPG. If you die in the game, you die in real life. If you’re unfamiliar with it, you can check out my Sword Art Online Review. The anime is 25 episodes long, but this gallery only includes gifs from the first half of the series. There were so many good moments! As I said above, there are MAJOR SPOILERS in the gifs below. If you haven’t seen the anime, do not scroll down!
Like usual, I created all of these animated gifs myself. You can save and reuse them, but please link back to this post to give me credit.
Let’s start with the link start!The first, pretty cool looking attack. It was at the end of the first episode.As you can probably tell, this was taken from the opening song / intro thingy. Kirito, the main character, fighting some monsters.Another scene from the opening. Asuna fighting a boss.Asuna eating some bread with cream on it.The first time we get a good look at Asuna. It was during a boss battle.The scene when Sachi dies. It plays over and over.The first time we see Silica, right after Kirito rescues him.Silica grabs Kirito’s hands, then blushes.Silica may be small, but she can pack quite a punch.Asuna wakes up after a great nap.You know I had to include Sandwich-San! (It’s a meme, if you don’t know)The “Seriously?” face from Liz after Kirito said he’d run up the wall.Asuna fights some bad guys.Star Burst Stream!Asuna shoots a dirty look.The first kiss! I combined two parts a few seconds between each other, which is why Asuna’s eye is closed on the next shot.Asuna gets undressed. There’s a tiny bit of fan service in the first half of the show. It goes a lot further in the second half.Asuna says yes to Kirito’s marriage proposal!Yui tries Kirito’s spicy sandwich.Asuna and Kirito listen to the fisherman’s story about the guardian.Kirito battles Heathcliff – Part 1Kirito battles Heathcliff – Part 2Kirito battles Heathcliff – Part 3Asuna is struck down by Heathcliff……the feels ;_;The final goodbye between Asuna and Kirito.The final moments between Asuna and Kirito.
I hope you all liked these Sword Art Online gifs! You can leave a comment below telling me which is your favorite. And again, feel free to save and reuse them, but please link back to this post to give me credit.