The WWE Championship 2013 replica from the WWE Shop is the third version of this belt’s design. See it in all its glory here, along with swappable side plates.
On February 18, 2013, The Rock unveiled a brand new WWE Championship design, officially retiring the spinner belt. It was unified with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship by December of 2013, but the belt was still used until the new championship was revealed on August 18, 2014.
There have been three different replicas designed after the real WWE Championship 2013. This replica is the third version from the WWE Shop. Compared to the popular V2 replica, the V3 has smaller simulated red jewels, tighter simulated white jewels in place, darker gold coloring, and flatter engraving in the zinc alloy plates. The specs used throughout this post are taken directly from the WWE Shop’s product page, with the exception of the jewel count.

The WWE Championship 2013 replica from the WWE Shop weighs approximately 7.23 lbs. (3280g). The strap is made out of polyurethane measuring approximately 50.39” x 11.02” x 0.2”, and suitable for a 46″ waist. The polyurethane makes the strap incredibly stiff, which is fine for displaying the replica like a trophy but looks too much like a toy when carrying the belt around.

The strap has various tooling designs pressed from end to end. The main plate is in front of a patch with a specialized tooling, giving the area behind the WWE logo a textured appearance in the faux leather. The three plates are surrounded by a seashell tooling, commonly seen in championship belts. On the left and right sides of the strap are the WWE logo pressed into the polyurethane and surrounded by diamond shapes. The snap boxes at the ends of the strap are the same ones seen on previous championship belts. They are extra pieces of polyurethane with the common leather texture, and are sewn onto the strap. The snap boxes on this replica hold 8×2 male snaps and 5×3 female snaps. A gold-colored belt tip is on the end of the strap next to the female snaps.

A patch is sewn onto the back of the strap that reads Authentic WWE Shop Official Replica Championship Title. Made in China. WWESHOP.COM. There is also a WWE holo sticker near the licensing patch.

There are three plates and two bars that make up the WWE Championship 2013. All are made out of a zinc alloy, have a slight curve to them, have a orangish-gold coloring, and shine with a mirror finish.

The main plate is a heptagon shape measuring approximately 10.16” x 10.16”. The WWE scratch logo is in the center of this main plate and filled with numerous simulated diamonds and rubies. Below the logo is the word CHAMPION engraved in the metal and outlined in black paint.

There are numerous simulated diamonds and rubies that outline the main plate. Large white jewels that are square in shape make up the majority of the simulated diamonds: nineteen on top, thirteen on the right, thirteen on the left, ten on the bottom-right, and ten on the bottom-left. Five of the corners have sections of three circular red jewels and six circular white jewels. These sections are located on the bottom corner, top-left, top-right, bottom-left, and bottom-right of the main plate.
The two side plates are trapezoid shapes, with the longest side facing the main plate. These side plates mirror each other and measure approximately 5.94” x 5.51”. The edges are outlined in numerous simulated diamonds just like the main plate. In total, there are thirteen square jewels on the right side with two small circular jewels on the top and bottom, ten square jewels of different sizes on the left side with two circular jewels on the top and bottom, twelve square jewels of different sizes on the top, and twelve square jewels of different sizes on the bottom.

In the center of the side plates are removable and swappable medallion-like side plates. These unscrew from the back of the strap, and two small simulated diamonds are on the opposite ends of the screws. The WWE Shop sells additional side plates with specialized designs for each Superstar.

The default side plates have the WWE logo engraved in the middle with black paint outlining the design. This logo is set on a red globe that is outlined in 25 simulated square diamonds. One globe shows the Americas, Europe, and part of Africa while the other globe shows Africa, Australia, and much of Asia. An engraved crown filled with black paint is just above this red globe.
When compared to the V2 from Figs Toy Co, the V3 from the WWE Shop is flatter, darker, and has smaller red jewels. The appearance is much more simple and muted by comparison, but the swappable side plates can provide a little more flair. The base price from the WWE Shop for this replica is $400, but sales often drop it near the $300 mark. I would suggest paying no more than $300, but the V2 is the superior choice.