Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd Guide

Here’s a short guide to this sweet Rhythm Game. Now with links to all PVs.

Hatsune Miku Project Diva F 2nd is the next installment in the popular Hatsune Miku Project Diva franchise. These games feature volcaloid technology, which is a singing voice synthesizer. The objective is to press the buttons that appear on the screen alongside the song’s rhythm. Try getting the high score and unlocking accessories for your singer, then up the difficulty when you think you’re ready. Much of the game is the same as Project Diva F, but a few new note types have been introduced.

Menu Translations

If you imported Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd without any knowledge of Japanese, you can check out the video below to help you navigate through the menus. I may add a written translation with images at a later date to go with the video.

Importing Save Data

If you have Hatsune Miku Project Diva F save data, you can import it into Hatsune Miku Project Diva F 2nd to unlock a few costumes and items.

If you played the Japanese version of Hatsune Miku Project Diva F 2nd with the Cross Save feature on, you can import all your data into the English version of Project Diva F 2nd! You must be logged into the PlayStation Network while saving on the Japanese version and importing on the English version.


Hatsune Miku Project Diva F 2nd is your basic rhythm video game. The general concept is to hit buttons alongside the rhythm of each song, but there’s more to it when it comes to the scoring system.

Melody Icons

There are three types of Melody Icons that appear on screen: Buttons, Stars, and Arrows.

The Button Icons are the basic Triangle, Circle, X, and Square that you see on PlayStation controllers. Press the corresponding button to match the song’s rhythm. These can also be alternated with the Up, Right, Down, and Left buttons. See the table below for the matching buttons.

If a long tail appears with a melody icon, hold the button until the end of the tail, then release at the right moment. Remember to hold and release with the song’s rhythm.

The Arrow-Shaped Icons require you to press Left, Right, Up, or Down in tandem with one of the button shapes. The shape that must be pressed depends entirely on the color and direction:

Color Shape Direction
Green Triangle Up
Red Circle Right
Blue X Down
Pink Square Left

When it comes to the Stars Icons, these can be hit by wiggling the left or right joysticks on the PS3 controller or swiping your finger across the touch screen on the PS Vita. If there are a lot of stars showing up in a short time, there are two methods to deal with them depending on the system. On the PS Vita, swipe the screen up for one star then down for the other. On the PS3, alternate between both sticks on the controller.

A new addition to Project Diva F 2nd is Line Connected Star Icons. These are similar to the regular Star Icons because you must swipe the screen on the Vita version or flick the sticks on the PS3 version. It is said that you must trace the line in the PS Vita version, but this guide is made off the PS3 version. Hitting the notes in the PS3 version is no different than hitting the regular scratch notes. The lines may form symbols like stars and letters, which means it’s a bit tougher to tell how far apart the notes are in the song unless you know the song relatively well. All other notes are spaced appropriately apart from each other relative to the beat of the song. Hit each one in the line to earn some combo points.


Another new addition to Project Diva F 2nd is the W Star (Double Flip) Icon. These can only be hit by flipping both sticks on the PS3 controller or using two fingers on the PS Vita screen.


Performance and Timing

Your performance is graded on how well you match the notes with the song’s rhythm (Timing). A small arrow will rotate clockwise on the note to help you with the timing and to make sure why note comes next in the song. Hit the note when the timing reaches the top (12 O’ Clock).There are five different grades:

  1. Cool
  2. Fine (Japanese) / Good (English)
  3. Safe
  4. Sad (Japanese) / Bad (English)
  5. Worst (Japanese) / Awful (English)

The timing of your hit notes along with the Chance Time and Technical Bonus will give you an overall Clear Grade. This grade is measured in Grade Points. Anything below 80 points will not clear the stage. The only way to get a Perfect overall Clear Grade on a song is by hitting only Cools and Fines.

Clear Grade Grade Points
Perfect 100
Excellent 95
Great 90
Standard 80
Cheap 0-79

Song Energy Gauge

The Song Energy Gauge is the gauge at the lower left corner of the screen. It will slowly fill up when you get Cool and Fine note timings. If your note timings is Sad or Worst, the gauge will start to deplete. If the gauge completely empties, the song will end, and you will fail.

Technical Bonus

In the Technical Zone, your objectives is to get through a more challenging section of the song without losing your combo. The amount of notes remaining is displayed at the top left of the screen. Get Cool or Fine timing on each note to continue the combo. If you get a Safe, Sad, or Worst timing on a note, you will drop your combo and fail the Technical Zone. When the notes at the top left corner reaches zero, “COMPLETE” will be displayed and you’ll receive a Score and Grade Point bonus. There are usually two Technical Zones in each song.


Chance Time

When the frame at the top and bottom of the screen changes during a song, you’ve entered “Chance Time!” Each note will have a short rainbow tail, but this does not mean they need to be held like the other hold notes. For this section of the song, your Song Energy Gauge turns into a Star Gauge. If you can fill the Star Gauge to the max and flick the stick (PS3) or swipe the screen (PS Vita) at the final “Chance Target” (big yellow star) with Fine or Cool timing, you’ll see an extra animation event and get a bonus to your Grade Points. The higher your Grade Points, the higher your final Clear Grade.

Diva Points

Diva Points are the currency used in Project Diva F 2nd. You will earn Diva Points after completing songs on any difficulty. Spend them in the shop to unlock new outfits (modules) for all Characters and furnishings for the Diva Room.

The higher the score on the song (Standard, Great, Excellent, Perfect), the more Diva Points you will earn. Use Challenge Items to boost the Diva Points, or clear Pick Up songs to earn a Pick Up bonus with your Diva Points at the end.


Rhythm Game Items


Before you begin a song, you can choose a Help or Challenge item that will affect your gameplay and earned DIVA Points. Each item must be purchased each time it is used before a song. A total of three items can be used at once. They can be any mix of Help or Challenge Items.

Help Items are used to help you get through a song. One Help Item reduces total DIVA Points to 80%, two Help Items reduce the total DIVA Points to 60%, and three Help Items reduce the total DIVA Points to 50%.

Challenge Items are used to make a song tougher in some way or another. One Challenge Item increases the total DIVA Points to 150%, two Challenge Items increase the total DIVA Points to 200%, and three Challenge Items increase the total DIVA Points to 250%. Below is a list of Help and Challenge Items in Project Diva F 2nd.

Item Price Description
Safe Assist (プレイアシスト) 1000 All Bad and Miss (Sad and Worst) timings will be changed to Safe so your Song Energy Gauge never depletes. The song’s result will be “So Close” (Cheap), which means you can’t pass a song using this Help Item.
Recovery (リカバリー) 1000 If your Song Energy Gauge reaches zero, it will fill back up once.
Extra Leeway (セーフティジャッジ) 1000 Increases the chance of getting Cool, Good (Fine), or Safes if your timing is a bit off.
Double Killer (ダブルキラー) 1000 All double targets (Arrow Icons) are changed to Single Button Targets (D-Pad or Shape Buttons), and Double Stars no longer appear. Your final rank will be Standard or lower.
Star Changer (スターチェンジャー) 1000 Allows you to use the shoulder buttons (L/R for Vita and L1/R1 or L2/R2 for PS3) instead of swiping or using the joysticks on Star notes. Double Star notes require both shoulders to be pressed.
Item Easy Standard Hard Expert Description
Stealthy Target (シャイターゲット) 1000 2000 4000 5000 All notes appear on screen just a quarter measure before they must be hit.
Cool Perfectionist+ (COOL マスターS) 1000 2000 4000 5000 All timing notes will drain the Song Energy Gauge except for Cool timings, but Fine will still fill the Star Gauge during Chance Time. Furthermore, the gauge only refills halfway.
Overclocker (ハイスピード) 1000 2000 4000 5000 Increases the speed of the icons on screen. You must still hit the notes at the right time, but the icons will come on screen late and zoom into place.
Nano-targeter (ミクロノーツ) 1000 2000 4000 5000 Shrinks the note buttons on screen to about half the normal size.
Chaos Storm (パニック) 1000 2000 4000 5000 The notes come in from different corners of the screen, making it a bit tougher to know for sure which button is next.

Spotlight Bonus

Another new feature in Project DIVA F 2nd is the Spotlight Bonus (Pick Up Bonus in the Japanese version). Sometimes, after completing a song, a red bow tie will appear next to a song that has already been unlocked. It will set your selection to this song, so don’t worry about missing it or scrolling through the entire list. Clear this song to earn a 10000 Diva Point bonus. You will only have one shot at completing the song and earning the Spotlight Bonus. The Spotlight Bonus seems to appear randomly, but it will always choose a song in the same difficulty of the last song you cleared.


The following lists is of all available songs in Hatsune Miku Project Diva F 2nd. The top three are the only ones available at the start. Clear songs on a difficulty to unlock that song on the next difficulty above and below, along with an additional song, usually four spaces down. For example, if you clear a The World is Mine on Normal, you will unlock it on Easy and Hard, but not on Extreme. There are a total of 40 songs — 41 if you count the tutorial. An Extreme version of the Tutorial is later unlocked, but you cannot earn DIVA Points from it.

There are only four difficulty levels in Project Diva F 2nd: Easy, Normal, Hard, and Extreme. The higher the difficulty, the more Diva Points you will earn. No songs on Easy have the W Star Notes or Arrow Notes, and only the Stars and Circle buttons will be used. Two melody buttons will be used on Normal, and the W Star Notes and Arrow Notes will be added. Three to four melody buttons will be used on Hard. All four melody buttons will be used on Extreme.

Song Vocals Producer BPM
Ievan Polkka (Tutorial) Hatsune Miku Otomania N/A
Ievan Polkka (Extreme) Hatsune Miku Otomania N/A
Melt (メルト) Hatsune Miku ryo 170
Akatsuki Arrival (アカツキアライヴァル) Hatsune Miku & Megurine Luka Last Note 125
Packaged Hatsune Miku livetune 125
Glory 3usi9 Hatsune Miku Nanou 140
Two Breaths Walking (二息歩行) Hatsune Miku DECO*27 180
Wintry Winds (番凩) MEIKO & KAITO hinayukki@仕事してP 102
Love-Hate (スキキライ) Kagamine Rin & Kagamine Len HoneyWorks 120
Clover♣Club (クローバー♣クラブ) Hatsune Miku Yuuyu-P 150
Miracle Paint (ミラクルペイント) Hatsune Miku OSTER project 215
Pinky Swear (指切り) Hatsune Miku Scop 195
Colorful x Melody (カラフル×メロディ) Hatsune Miku & Kagamine Rin Team MOER 185
Blackjack Megurine Luka Yucha-P 228
Clockwork Clown (からくりピエロ) Hatsune Miku 40mP 102
Thousand Year Solo (DIVA Edit) (千年の独奏歌) KAITO yanagiP 108
Doubleganger (なりすましゲンガー) Kagamine Rin & Hatsune Miku KulfiQ 178
Roshin Yukai (炉心融解) Kagamine Rin Iroha(sasaki) 165
Luka Luka ★ Night Fever (ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー) Megurine Luka samfree 160
Knife Kagamine Rin & Hatsune Miku & Kagamine Len Reruriri 110
Sakura Rain (桜ノ雨) Hatsune Miku halyosy 76
This is the Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee (こちら、幸福安心委員会です。) Hatsune Miku Utata-P 128
Cantarella ~grace edition~ (カンタレラ ~grace edition~) KAITO Kurousa P 144
SPiCa -39′s Giving Day Edition- Hatsune Miku Toku-P 162
Hello, Worker Megurine Luka KEI 168
Romeo and Cinderella (ロミオとシンデレラ) Hatsune Miku doriko 170
I’ll Miku-Miku You♪ (For Reals) (みくみくにしてあげる♪【してやんよ】) Hatsune Miku ika_mo 160
Meteor (メテオ) Hatsune Miku John Zeroness 140
Kokoro (ココロ) Kagamine Rin Travolta 140
Break It, Break It! (壊せ壊せ) MEIKO ELVN 116
Soundless Voice Kagamine Len ひとしずく×やま△ 82
Close and Open, Demons and The Dead (結んで開いて羅刹と骸) Hatsune Miku Hachi 169
Erase or Zero Kagamine Len & KAITO Crystal P 138
Double Lariat (ダブルラリアット) Megurine Luka Agoaniki 138
Paradichlorobenzene (パラジクロロベンゼン) Kagamine Len Owata-P 132
Kagerou Daze (カゲロウデイズ) Hatsune Miku Jin 199
Two-Sided Lovers (裏表ラバーズ) Hatsune Miku wowaka-P 159
Envy Cat Walk (エンヴィキャットウォーク) Hatsune Miku Toma 160
The World is Mine (ワールドイズマイン) Hatsune Miku ryo 165
Decorator Hatsune Miku livetune 143
The Intense Voice of Hatsune Miku (初音ミクの激唱) Hatsune Miku cosmo@暴走-P 200
2D Dream Fever (二次元ドリームフィーバー) Hatsune Miku PolyphonicBranch 180

Unlocking Songs

To unlock more songs in Project Diva F 2nd, you must clear a song with a standard grade or higher. This will clear a song four slots down — usually. If you wish to unlock the song at a higher difficulty, you must first clear the same song with a standard grade or higher on the previous difficulty. The game begins with four songs available on Easy and Normal.

The following table is a list of songs that must be cleared to unlock other songs. The left song must be cleared, and the right song gets unlocked.

Clear Unlocks
Melt (メルト) Two Breaths Walking (二息歩行)
Akatsuki Arrival (アカツキアライヴァル) Wintry Winds (番凩)
Packaged Love-Hate (スキキライ)
Glory 3usi9 Clover♣Club (クローバー♣クラブ)
Two Breaths Walking (二息歩行) Miracle Paint (ミラクルペイント)
Wintry Winds (番凩) Pinky Swear (指切り)
Love-Hate (スキキライ) Colorful x Melody (カラフル×メロディ)
Clover♣Club (クローバー♣クラブ) Blackjack
Miracle Paint (ミラクルペイント) Clockwork Clown (からくりピエロ)
Pinky Swear (指切り) Thousand Year Solo (DIVA Edit) (千年の独奏歌)
Colorful x Melody (カラフル×メロディ) Doubleganger (なりすましゲンガー)
Blackjack Roshin Yukai (炉心融解)
Clockwork Clown (からくりピエロ) Luka Luka★Night Fever (ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー)
Thousand Year Solo (DIVA Edit) (千年の独奏歌) Knife
Doubleganger (なりすましゲンガー) Sakura Rain (桜ノ雨)
Roshin Yukai (炉心融解) This is the Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee (こちら、幸福安心委員会です。)
Luka Luka★Night Fever (ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー) Cantarella ~grace edition~ (カンタレラ ~grace edition~)
Knife SPiCa -39′s Giving Day Edition-
Sakura Rain (桜ノ雨) Hello, Worker
This is the Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee (こちら、幸福安心委員会です。) Romeo and Cinderella (ロミオとシンデレラ)
Cantarella ~grace edition~ (カンタレラ ~grace edition~) I’ll Miku-Miku You♪ (For Reals) (みくみくにしてあげる♪【してやんよ】)
SPiCa -39′s Giving Day Edition- Meteor (メテオ)
Hello, Worker Kokoro (ココロ)
Romeo and Cinderella (ロミオとシンデレラ) Break it, Break It! (壊せ壊せ)
I’ll Miku-Miku You♪ (For Reals) (みくみくにしてあげる♪【してやんよ】) Soundless Voice
Meteor (メテオ) Close and Open, Demons and The Dead (結んで開いて羅刹と骸)
Kokoro (ココロ) Erase or Zero
Break It, Break It! (壊せ壊せ) Double Lariat (ダブルラリアット)
Soundless Voice Paradichlorobenzene
Close and Open, Demons and The Dead (結んで開いて羅刹と骸) Kagerou Daze (カゲロウデイズ)
Erase or Zero Two-Sided Lovers (裏表ラバーズ)
Double Lariat (ダブルラリアット) Envy Cat Walk (エンヴィキャットウォーク)
Clear 36 Songs The World is Mine (ワールドイズマイン)
The World is Mine (ワールドイズマイン) Decorator
Decorator The Intense Voice of Hatsune Miku (初音ミクの激唱)
The Intense Voice of Hatsune Miku (初音ミクの激唱) 2D Dream Fever (二次元ドリームフィーバー)

Diva Room

The Diva Room is another option from the main menu of Hatsune Miku Project Diva F 2nd. Each character in the game has their own room. Visit with them, play games, build a friendship up to Level 5, and decorate each room with items from the Shop. Build friendship to unlock even more items for purchase.

Rub each DIVA’s head to build a heart in the top right corner. Don’t build it too much or the heart will burst and upset them. If you can build up three full hearts in a row, you will get the “FEVER” option. Click on the Diva as much as possible while they move back and forth to build up the heart again, but don’t worry, the heart will not bust during a FEVER. At the end of the FEVER, the total heart points will go into the friendship meter at the bottom right corner.


Some items from the Shop can be given to each character as a present to increase their friendship level. Be careful, if you give too many items that a Diva hates, their friendship meter will drop.

I’m currently working on two tables for all presents (Food and Items) in Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd with each character’s likes and dislikes.

Item Miku Rin Len Luka KAITO MEIKO
Vegetable Juice (野菜ジュース) Love Hate Neutral Neutral Neutral Love
Milk (牛乳) Hate Love Love Neutral Neutral Neutral
Orange Juice (オレンジジュース) Neutral Love Love Neutral Hate Love
Iced Coffee (アイスコーヒー) Hate Hate Neutral Love Neutral Neutral
Melon Soda (メロンソーダ) Love Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Hate
Taiyaki (たい焼き) Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Love Love
Macarons (マカロン) Neutral Neutral Hate Love Neutral Love
Cookies (クッキー) Love Love Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
Donuts (ドーナツ) Neutral Neutral Love Neutral Love Hate
Tuna Sushi (マグロの寿司) Neutral Hate Love Love Love Neutral
Rice Omelet (オムライス) Love Love Neutral Love Neutral Love
Shaved Ice (カキ氷) Neutral Neutral Neutral Love Love Hate
Pizza(ピザ) Hate Hate Love Neutral Love Neutral
Hamburger (ハンバーガー) Hate Neutral Love Neutral Love Neutral
Cream Puff Tower (シュークリームタワー) Love Neutral Neutral Neutral Hate Love
Chick & Leek Skewer (ねぎま) Love Neutral Hate Hate Neutral Neutral
Orange Jelly (みかんゼリー) Neutral Love Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
Tuna Carpaccio (マグロカルパッチョ) Hate Neutral Neutral Love Hate Neutral
Item Miku Rin Len Luka KAITO MEIKO
Song Book (楽譜) Love Hate Neutral Neutral Love Love
Hand Fan (うちわ) Hate Love Love Hate Neutral Hate
Sunflowers (ヒマワリ) Neutral Love Love Neutral Neutral Neutral
Tulips (チューリップ) Love Neutral Neutral Love Neutral Neutral
Daisies (マーガレット) Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Love Love
Stuffed Bear (クマのぬいぐるみ) Neutral Neutral Love Neutral Neutral Love
Stuffed Rabbit (ウサギのぬいぐるみ) Neutral Love Neutral Love Neutral Neutral
Stuffed Cat (ネコのぬいぐるみ) Love Neutral Neutral Neutral Love Neutral
Paper Fan (ハリセン) Hate Neutral Neutral Neutral Love Love
Jack-in-the-Box (びっくり箱) Hate Love Love Hate Neutral Neutral
Maracas (マラカス) Love Love Hate Neutral Love Neutral
Tambourine (タンバリン) Neutral Neutral Love Love Hate Neutral
Calligraphy Paper (書道用半紙) Neutral Hate Neutral Love Neutral Love
Sketchbook (スケッチブック) Love Neutral Hate Love Hate Neutral
Single Rose (一車侖のバラ) Neutral Neutral Neutral Hate Love Love
Cookware (調理器具) Love Love Neutral Neutral Hate Neutral


After building up the friendship meter, you will be able to play Mini-Games with some of the Divas. Just rub their heads and build up the hearts until they ask you to play a game. Select yes to start the game. At the end of the game, they will ask if you want to play again.

Miku, Rin, Len, MEIKO, and sometimes Luka and KAITO will ask you to play the patty cakes mini-game. Use the joysticks on the PS3 or the touch screen on the PS Vita to match the on-screen prompts. Fill the bar at the bottom passed the crown point to win the first round. Depending on how well you do, the next round may speed up and the crown checkpoint may be lowered on the meter. Win three rounds to unlock a trophy and build the friendship meter up even more. The hand gestures are the same every single round. See this video to learn how to play.

Luka, KAITO and sometimes MEIKO will ask you to play Rock, Paper, Scissors. The game is pretty simple: Choose either Rock, Paper, or Scissors by pressing one of three buttons on-screen, then choose to turn your head up, down, left, or right. For those that don’t know, rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, and paper beats rock. For the head turn option, you have to guess which direction the Diva will turn their head if you won the rock, paper, scissors part. If you lost, you have to choose a direction that the Diva will not point to. Win both rounds twice to win the game and earn some friendship points.

AR Mode

AR Mode (Augmented Reality) is the PS Vita Exclusive Mode for Project Diva F 2nd. Use the Vita camera to bring the Divas into the real world! In the past, you needed an AR Live Marker to bring a Diva on screen, but that is no longer the case in Project Diva 2nd.



In addition to posing with a Diva, you can select a song for a character to perform. The character will appear on the green box, and can even be blown up or shrunk down by using UP or DOWN on the D-PAD. While the Diva is performing, feel free to move around to see them from almost every angle. Sorry, no upskirts.


The songs available on AR Mode are for viewing purposes only. You do not play the normal rhythm game with these songs.

Song Performer Producer
Sweet Devil Hatsune Miku 八王子P (Hachioji-P)
Cat Food (キャットフード) Hatsune Miku doriko
Hello, Worker (Live Edition) Megurine Luka KEI
Erase or Zero (Live Edition) Kagamine Len & KAITO Crystal P
Piano×Forte×Scandal (ピアノ×フォルテ×スキャンダル) MEIKO OSTER project
Love-Hate (Live Edition) Kagamine Rin & Kagamine Len HoneyWorks
Tokyo Teddy Bear (東京テディベア) Kagamine Rin Neru
glow Hatsune Miku keeno
Tell Your World (DLC) Hatsune Miku kz(livetune)
ODDS&ENDS (DLC) Hatsune Miku ryo (Supercell)

Studio Mode

Studio Mode is a PS3 exclusive mode similar to PS Vita’s AR Mode. There are two sections in Studio Mode: Live Studio and Photo Studio. In Live Studio, you can choose from a small list of songs for a Diva to perform on stage. You are then able to switch to and control multiple cameras around the arena while they perform.

The songs available on Live Studio Mode are for viewing purposes only. You do not play the normal rhythm game with these songs.

Song Performer Producer
Sweet Devil Hatsune Miku 八王子P (Hachioji-P)
Cat Food (キャットフード) Hatsune Miku doriko
Hello, Worker Megurine Luka KEI
Erase or Zero (Live Edition) Kagamine Len & KAITO Crystal P
Piano×Forte×Scandal (ピアノ×フォルテ×スキャンダル) MEIKO OSTER project
Love-Hate (スキキライ) Kagamine Rin & Kagamine Len HoneyWorks
Tokyo Teddy Bear (東京テディベア) Kagamine Rin Neru
glow Hatsune Miku keeno

In Photo Studio you can place Hatsune Miku and Kagamine Rin in a number of poses, mess with lighting, select filters, and take pictures of them. It’s your own mini photoshoot! Some angles are not supported, so no upskirts!


Edit Mode

Edit Mode allows you to select a song, add different vocaloids, costumes, backgrounds, and even melody buttons to the song. You can then save the song and upload it to PSN. Once uploaded, you can play the Edit song in the Free Play menu. You can also download other player’s edited songs.




Hatsune Miku Project Diva F 2nd contains 28 Trophies for the PS3 and PS Vita versions of the game. There is one platinum, five gold, twelve silver, and ten bronze trophies. The trophy list is set in descending order (Platinum to Bronze). The English names are listed first, followed by the Japanese names. Click each title to expand the box.

Intermediate Player / 中級プレイヤー (Gold)
Clear all songs in Free Play at the Normal difficulty.
Advanced Player / 上級プレイヤー (Gold)
Clear all songs in Free Play at the Hard difficulty.
Module Collector / モジュールコレクター (Gold)
Purchase all Modules (Costumes) from the shop. All unlockables in the game are shown in the Unlockables menu when you choose a song in the rhythm game. Simply choose the Unlockables menu to see what items can be unlocked and how to unlock them. Some items are unlocked on a specific song, while others are unlocked through cumulative play.
Mix-and Match Master / カスタマイズコレクター (Gold)
Purchase all Custom parts from the Shop. Ears, Tails, Backpacks, etc. All unlockables in the game are shown in the Unlockables menu when you choose a song in the rhythm game. Simply choose the Unlockables menu to see what items can be unlocked and how to unlock them. Some items are unlocked on a specific song, while others are unlocked through cumulative play.
Event Organizer / イベントマスター (Gold)
Unlock all events in the DIVA Room. These events can be triggered by going around and interacting with items in the Diva Room, interacting with the characters, and giving gifts. A large number of items must be purchased before placing them in the DIVA Rooms. The Event Log in the Diva Room lists all obtained events.
Cinema Snob / 映像監督 (Silver)
Watch the PV of every song. After clearing a song, the PV will become available. You may need to back out to the main menu for this trophy to unlock.
Miku's BFF / ミククラスタ (Silver)
Earn max friendship (Level 5) with Hatsune Miku. Friendship is earned by visiting each character’s Diva Room. Buy a character gifts (each character prefers something different), spend time with them, and rub their hair to build a heart in the top right corner, but do not allow the heart to burst or they will get upset.
Rin's BFF/ リンクラスタ (Silver)
Earn max friendship (Level 5) with Kagamine Rin. Friendship is earned by visiting each character’s Diva Room. Buy a character gifts (each character prefers something different), spend time with them, and rub their hair to build a heart in the top right corner, but do not allow the heart to burst or they will get upset.
Len's BFF / レンクラスタ (Silver)
Earn max friendship (Level 5) with Kagamine Len. Friendship is earned by visiting each character’s Diva Room. Buy a character gifts (each character prefers something different), spend time with them, and rub their hair to build a heart in the top right corner, but do not allow the heart to burst or they will get upset.
Luka's BFF / ルカクラスタ (Silver)
Earn max friendship (Level 5) with Megurine Luka. Friendship is earned by visiting each character’s Diva Room. Buy a character gifts (each character prefers something different), spend time with them, and rub their hair to build a heart in the top right corner, but do not allow the heart to burst or they will get upset.
Kaito's BFF / KAITOクラスタ (Silver)
Earn max friendship (Level 5) with KAITO. Friendship is earned by visiting each character’s Diva Room. Buy a character gifts (each character prefers something different), spend time with them, and rub their hair to build a heart in the top right corner, but do not allow the heart to burst or they will get upset.
Meiko's BFF / MEIKOクラスタ (Silver)
Earn max friendship (Level 5) with MEIKO. Friendship is earned by visiting each character’s Diva Room. Buy a character gifts (each character prefers something different), spend time with them, and rub their hair to build a heart in the top right corner, but do not allow the heart to burst or they will get upset.
Get the Skinny / スキンコレクター (Silver)
Purchase all Skins from the Shop. Skins are the header and footer bars that appear during a song. All unlockables in the game are shown in the Unlockables menu when you choose a song in the rhythm game. Simply choose the Unlockables menu to see what items can be unlocked and how to unlock them. Some items are unlocked on a specific song, while others are unlocked through cumulative play.
Room with a View / ルームマスター (Silver)
Purchase all DIVA Room Themes from the Shop. All unlockables in the game are shown in the Unlockables menu when you choose a song in the rhythm game. Simply choose the Unlockables menu to see what items can be unlocked and how to unlock them. Some items are unlocked on a specific song, while others are unlocked through cumulative play.
Furniture Fiend / 家具マスター (Silver)
Purchase all pieces of Diva Room Furniture from the Shop. All unlockables in the game are shown in the Unlockables menu when you choose a song in the rhythm game. Simply choose the Unlockables menu to see what items can be unlocked and how to unlock them. Some items are unlocked on a specific song, while others are unlocked through cumulative play.
Accessorizer / 雑貨マスター (Silver)
Purchase all miscellaneous items from the Shop. These are available in the Modules/Customization menu in the shop. It includes all head accessories, face accessories, neck accessories, and back accessories. All unlockables in the game are shown in the Unlockables menu when you choose a song in the rhythm game. Simply choose the Unlockables menu to see what items can be unlocked and how to unlock them. Some items are unlocked on a specific song, while others are unlocked through cumulative play.
Gift Giver Galore / プレゼントマスター (Silver)
Purchase all Presents from the Shop. All unlockables in the game are shown in the Unlockables menu when you choose a song in the rhythm game. Simply choose the Unlockables menu to see what items can be unlocked and how to unlock them. Some items are unlocked on a specific song, while others are unlocked through cumulative play. Five special Cakes won’t become available until you reach max friendship (Level 5) with each Diva. Get max friendship with all six Divas at the same time (their levels can drop) to unlock a special player Cake.
Group Introduction / イントロダクション (Bronze)
Clear a song with each Diva. There are six Divas in the game. Simply play each song without switching the Divas and this will unlock automatically.
Life in the Spotlight / 流行に敏感 (Bronze)
Clear ten Spotlight songs. From time to time a random song will appear with a red bowtie next to it. Clear the song right then without a second try to earn a Spotight Bonus with the Diva Points.
Challenger / チャレンジャー (Bronze)
Clear a song with three Challenge Items active. Challenge items can be activated right before a song starts. There are five available Challenge Items, but I recommend using Overclocker, Nano-targeter, and Chaos Storm on the song, “Meteor.” It’s also best to play on Normal instead of Easy because there aren’t as many pauses in the song where you can get lost. Meteor doesn’t play too fast, and there’s a metronome or clock ticking in the background for a majority of the song, which will help you out with your timing. The three challenge items will speed up the notes, make the on-screen notes smaller, and make the notes fly in from various corners of the screen. Keep an eye on the little timer on each note if you’re not sure which one comes next. The small timer will rotate clockwise and reach the top when the note needs to be hit. Clear the song with a Standard or higher rating to get this trophy. You will need at least 6000 Diva Points on normal to buy all three challenge items before the song.
Pardon Me / おじゃましまーす (Bronze)
Visit each DIVA Room at least once. There are six Diva Rooms, one for each Diva. Use the last option in the Diva Room’s menu to visit another room.
Call it Macaroni / 3030メートル (Bronze)
Play the patty cakes mini-game in the DIVA Room and pass the crown on the meter three times. After that, you can quit out of the game and the trophy will unlock.

All you have to do is match the buttons on screen. The joysticks are used in the PS3 version, while the touch screen is used on the PS Vita version. After winning once, the game will speed up.

This mini-game becomes available after building enough friendship with a Diva through presents and rubbing their head.

Set List / セットリスト (Bronze)
Watch every performance in AR Mode (PS Vita) or Live Studio Mode (PS3).
Photographer / フォトグラファー (Bronze)
Play around in the photo studio for awhile. It does not unlock right away. Take a number of pictures, then return to the main menu to see if it unlocks.
Community Presence / CGMの輪 (Bronze)
Download a PV or Song from PSN. They can be found under the “Network” option at the main menu.
Grand Gallery / イラストマスター (Bronze)
View all Load Screens. This will be earned over time while playing the game. You will see load screens randomly appear. You can then check your progress by looking at the last option in the gadgets menu while in the DIVA Room. The trophy will appear when you return to the main menu. If you want to see all load screens, check out THIS blog post!