Part-Time Jobs

There are various part time jobs that can be obtained in Persona 4. All you need to do is check out the town bulletin board in the Northern part of the Central Shopping District. The bulletin board is between the Aiya’s Chinese Diner and Souzai Daigaku. A Social Quality level may be needed before a job becomes available. All these jobs are optional. You do not need to work at a job or risk getting fired, but they are great options during the evening when its raining or when you do not want to spend time with the available people.

Job Salary Days Requirements Benefits Available
Envelope Constructor 1000+ Any Diligence April 23, desk in your room
Translator 1500+ Any Knowledge Expression April 23, desk in your room
Origami Crane Folder 0 Any Diligence Understanding April 23, desk in your room
Assistant Day Care Caretaker 4000+ Mon
(No Rain!)
Understanding April 23, Bus Stop, Central Shopping District.
Pub Dishwasher 1500+ Any Evening Understanding Diligence May 25, Shiroku Pub, Central Shopping District
Hospital Janitor 1500 Wed
Understanding Courage May 25, Bus Stop, Central Shopping District. Begins Devil Social Link, and later the Death Social Link
Tutor 10000 Tue
Understanding Rank 5 Expression May 25, Bus Stop. Begins Tower Social Link.