Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver Walkthrough


Side Quests

Route 45 and 46

Obtainable Pokemon
Geodude (R45 and 46)
Graveler (R45)
Skarmory (R45 Soul Silver)
Teddiursa (R45 Soul Silver)
Gligar (R45 Heart Gold)
Phanpy (R45 Heart Gold)
Spearow (R46)
Rattata (R46)

Route 45 is a straight shot down to Route 46. There are a few directions you can take which leads to different trainers and items. If you like you can head inside Dark Cave which you won’t be able to properly navigate without strength, Rock Smash, surf, and Flash. There are Zubat, Geodude, and Dunsparce inside the cave. For a map of the cave click here -credit to psypokes.com once again. When you first head down Route to Route 45 you can go three directions, left, middle, and right. You have to jump down ledges so if you want to take all the paths then you have to fly back to blackthorn. The right path leads to a trainer:

Ace Trainer Ryan – P1620

Pidgeot (Male) Lv25
Ability:Keen Eye
-Wing Attack (Flying/Physical)
-Sand Attack (Ground/Other)
-Quick Attack (Normal/Physical)
-Whirlwind (Normal/Other)

Electabuzz (Male) Lv27
-Thunderpunch (Electric/Physical)
-Light Screen (Psychic/Other)
-Swift (Normal/Special)
-Screech (Normal/Other)

Keep going south and your path will connect with the middle. If you jump down another ledge you’ll find a Max Potion.

If you took the left path you’d find an Elixir after some grass. Keep going down and you’d face a trainer after a ledge:

Hiker Parry – P960 and a number

Onix (Male) Lv30
Ability:Rock Head or Sturdy
-Sandstorm (Rock/Other)
-Rock Tomb (Rock/Physical)
-Slam (Normal/Physical)
-Rock Polish (Rock/Other)

Keep going down and you’ll see the paths connect. Down further is a Full heal in some grass.

If you took the middle path you would have faced:

Hiker Erik – P864

Machop (Male) Lv24
Ability:Guts or No Guard
-Karate Chop (Fighting/Physical)
-Foresight (Normal/Other)
-Seismic Toss (Fighting/Physical/Other) takes off HP equal to it’s level
-Revenge (Fighting/Physical)

Graveler (Male) Lv27
Ability:Rock Head or Sturdy
-Magnitude (Ground/Physical)
-Selfdestruct (Normal/Physical)
-Rollout (Rock/Physical)
-Rock Blast (Rock/Physical)

Machop (Male) Lv27
Ability:Guts or No Guard
-Vital Throw (Fighting/Physical)
-Foresight (Normal/Other)
-Seismic Toss (Fighting/Physical/Other) takes off HP equal to it’s level
-Revenge (Fighting/Physical)

If you head down you’ll find the path connects with the right path. Keep going down and you’ll run into:

Ace Trainer Kelly – P1440

Marill (Female) Lv27
Ability:Huge Power or Thick Fat
-Aqua Ring (Water/Other)
-Double-Edge (Normal/Physical)
-Rollout (Rock/Physical)
-BubbleBeam (Water/Special)

Wartortle (Male) Lv24
-Water Gun (Water/Special)
-Bite (Dark/Physical)
-Rapid Spin (Normal/Physical)
-Protect (Normal/Other)

Wartortle (Male) Lv24
-Water Gun (Water/Special)
-Bite (Dark/Physical)
-Rapid Spin (Normal/Physical)
-Protect (Normal/Other)

Head down the right path down some ledges to face:

Black Belt Kenji – P672 and a number

Machoke (Male) Lv28
Ability:Guts or No Guard
-Revenge (Fighting/Physical)
-Foresight (Normal/Other)
-Seismic Toss (Fighting/Physical/Other)
-Vital Throw (Fighting/Physical)

Keep going south over some ledges and you’ll find:

Hiker Timothy – P864

Diglett (Male) Lv27
Ability:Sand Veil
-Earth Power (Ground/Special)
-Dig (Ground/Physical)
-Sand-Attack (Ground/Other)
-Sucker Punch (Dark/Physical)

Dugtrio (Male) Lv27
Ability:Sand Veil
-Earth Power (Ground/Special)
-Dig (Ground/Physical)
-Sand-Attack (Ground/Other)
-Sucker Punch (Dark/Physical)

Keep going south to find a Grn Apricorn. If you head to the left path you’ll have to fight another trainer. There was another rock type trainer to the right also but you would have had to taken the right path the whole way. After that head left to Route 46 where there’s another entrance/exit to Dark Cave. To the left of it is a GRN and YLW Apricorn. Jump down some ledges and head left to find a double battle:

Camper Ted and Picnicker Erin – P496 and one number.

Mankey (Male) Lv17

Ponyta (Female) Lv17

Oddish (Female) Lv14

To the left of them is an X-Speed. Continue South to reach Route 29. After that go East to New Bark Town and talk with the Prof!

Dark Cave

You’re going to encounter the Dark Cave extremely early in the game. While you’re traversing Route 31, which is due east of Violet City, you’ll see the entrance to the Dark Cave. You can head inside and explore if you want, but we suggest you wait. You’re going to need four skills in particular to see all of the Dark Cave, not to mention the fact that you’ll be cut off from half of it until you get to Blackthorn City, which is a solid thirty or so hours into the game (if not more). The four aforementioned skills you’ll need are Strength, Rock Smash, Surf and Flash (the latter being a Technical Machine, as opposed to a Hidden Machine). So before entering the Dark Cave, either from Route 31 or Route 45, you should be sure you have access from both routes, the four above-mentioned skills, and Pokemon in your active party that are users of said skills.

This brief walkthrough of the Dark Cave will rely on you entering from the Blackthorn City side, from Route 45. When you enter, you’ll be drawn southward to some water (be sure to use Flash right away, so you can see where you’re going, as without Flash, you will be going blind). You’ll need to Surf on this water in multiple directions in order to encounter all of the items strewn about. Start by Surfing straight to the south. When you land, you can find two items — a Revive on the southeastern edge of the area, and TM54 on the southwestern edge of the area (don’t jump down towards the doorway at the far southwestern edge, as you still have more to see here, and won’t be able to return to your previous position if you commit yourself too soon). After grabbing those two items, go ahead and Surf back to the north, but do so on the western edge of the water.

This will bring you back to land that you would otherwise be inaccessible. From here, proceed westward along the labyrinthine corridor. You’ll ultimately want to head to the northwestern edge of this area, where a lone man sits. Explore the rocks behind him to find a Max Revive, and then speak to the man himself. Startled by your appearance, he’ll hand over Black Glasses to you before you head off on your way. With all items acquired here, it’s time to head to the second (and only other) room of the cave, via an exit at the southwestern edge of the room.

Once through the door, you’ll have to use Surf almost immediately to get to the south or to the west. First, go south, and continue eastward. Use Strength to move the lone circular bolder, and then proceed eastward even further. You will encounter a fork in the road, heading north and south. Head north, using Rock Smash to remove some pesky boulders. Wrap around to the east and then continue south, and you’ll encounter a Hyper Potion on your left. Continue south some more, down a few more stairs, and you’ll find a Full Heal. After grabbing the Full Heal, freeze and backtrack to the north. As soon as you can bear westward, do so. Then, jump southward down some slopes and staircases, and grab the Dire Hit.

Resist the urge to leave via the southern exit, which leads back to Route 46. Instead, swing back to the north and to the west, backtracking all the way back to the water you previously Surfed across. This time, continue to the west. Use Rock Smash once more to get through another barrier of breakable stones, and swing northward, so that the water is on your east. Jump down to an area to your west, and grab the Poke Ball from a stone there, as well as a Potion sitting out in the open. Then, use Surf on the extremely small body of water to the south to grab a Black Flute on your right. You can then leave the Dark Cave completely via the exit to the west, which will bring you back to Route 31, right outside of Violet City.

New Bark Town

Head to Prof. Elm’s lab. Once inside you’ll find Lyra. She’ll automatically talk to you. Talk to Prof. Elm to receive the Master Ball which can catch any pokemon 100% of the time. He’ll also tell you to head to Ecruteak and find the Kimono girls. If you want to or need to, heal your pokemon with the machine behind the prof.

Ecruteak City

Head to the dance theater right above the pokemon center. Inside you’ll have to face 5 Kimono girls in a row. They will test your skills as a trainer in battle! They’re pretty tough if you haven’t leveled up your pokemon much. Just try and take on their weaknesses. The move last resort is extremely powerful but can only be used when all other moves’ PP is used up.

Kimono Girl Zuki – P4560

Umbreon (Male) Lv38
-Last Resort (Normal/Physical)
-Dark Pulse (Dark/Special)
-Confuse Ray (Ghost/Other)
-Shadow Ball (Ghost/Special)

Kimono Girl Naoko – P4560

Espeon (Male) Lv38
-Last Resort (Normal/Physical)
-Psychic (Psychic/Special)
-Psych Up (Normal/Other)
-Swift (Normal/Special)

Kimono Girl Miki – P4560

Flareon (Male) Lv38
Ability:Flash Fire
-Last Resort (Normal/Physical)
-Fire Blast (Fire/Special)
-Quick Attack (Normal/Physical)
-Will-O-Wisp (Fire/Other)

Kimono Girl Sayo – P4560

Jolteon (Male) Lv38
Ability:Volt Absorb
-Last Resort (Normal/Physical)
-Thunderbolt (Electric/Special)
-Double Team (Normal/Other)
-Thunder Wave (Electric/Other)

Kimono Girl Kuni – P4560

Vaporeon (Male) Lv38
Ability:Water Absorb
-Last Resort (Normal/Physical)
-Surf (Water/Special)
-Quick Attack (Normal/Physical)
-Aurora Beam (Ice/Special)

After all that you get a special item. The Tidal Bell for the Soul Silver version which will allow you to go to Whirl Islands and battle (and hopefully capture) Lugia! In Heart Gold you get the Clear Bell which will allow you to battle and capture Ho-Oh in the Bell Tower. Remember the Whirl Islands are in Route 41 and the Tin Tower is in Ecruteak City, north of most of the houses. If you want maps to navigate through them click the following places:

Bell Tower Map
whirl Islands Map

Take the quickest routes possible. If you’re going to the Whirl Islands take the top right island. You’ll need whirlpool to get in and flash to navigate better. Once you reach whichever legendary pokemon, it will be at level 45. You can use your masterball to capture it easily or try using any other ball. If you just defeat it without capturing it the kimono girls will seem disappointed in you. Make sure you save BEFORE battling the pokemon.

After all that you can now head to the Pokemon League! To get there fly back to New Bark Town and surf East to route 27. Make sure to take tons of items You’ll face trainers along route 26, 27, and victory road which is a cave like area.